turn around Quick-Test

Invest 5 minutes of your time into filling out this free quick-test to determine the way forward and break through into your Alpha Power!

This test is perfect for you to determine your level of control and level of risk. For if we don’t know our enemy, we cannot fight it. Here is your opportunity to step into your potential to rebuild an indestructible self and be free.

My wonderful clients and their journey to success.

pexels-snapwire-6945 Standing on rocks - freedom
Roger K. Executive,
Germany, January 2022

Starting Point:
Roger came to me distressed, overworked, close to a burnout, dissatisfied with his life, uncertain of why he and his partner were constantly fighting.

His goal:
He wanted help to improve his life and his relationship with his life partner. Only along the way did he realize and admit even to himself that he was suffering from an eating disorder, and then also admitted that he struggled with overindulging in alcohol consumption.

“Yvonne is a fascinating therapist with an amazing professional background. She has helped me to understand myself better and actively take control of my life. Yvonne not only fixed my eating disorder, but also helped me have a healthier relationship with myself and my partner and am beginning to understand what is fundamentally important to me in life. Yvonne never lost focus of building me up and strengthening my self-confidence. Yvonne does exactly that. With phenomenal professionalism and a trusting emotional base!”

Starting Point:
“When I first met Yvonne, I was heavily addicted to CM and drinking daily. I strayed off the road of life and didn’t really care whether I lived or died. I was on the way to self-destruction. I didn’t know how to stop, and I didn’t even really want to stop. 

Yvonne helped me over this hurdle through powerful sessions reaching levels no other treatments I had used could achieve. It was not just about breaking a habit, but rather helping me to find love for myself again. Through her gentle guidance I started to want to live again. Working through Yvonne’s program, I found gratitude / humility / respect and self-discipline. I found myself again and most of all, I discovered what my purpose was in life. From there I stopped thinking about drugs, rebuilt my almost defunct family and now enjoy a wonderful relationship with my wife and my children, and am a partner in a big business and have my goals in sight.
To Yvonne I say THANKYOU not only for saving my life, but also for helping give me real meaning to the life I lead now. 

S.F. Johannesburg, January 2021
Who is Yvonne Munshi?

Yvonne is a mentor and therapist with 17 years of experience in transformational coaching and spent 10 years at the forefront of neuroscience research of habits. She is an expert in the neuropsychological processes of stress and harmful habits and has published a course book on habits and the addictive processes in the brain.

Her success in guiding her clients to their amazing break through’s is not per chance, nor due to luck – rather due to the proven strategy and programme that she created through her professional knowledge as well as her own rich personal life experience.



“I look forward to accompanying you on your journey of breakthrough to success and self-fulfilment!”

Yvonne Munshi

Yvonne Munshi
Mentor, Therapist and Transformation Coach

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